Reverse Osmosis

  • “RO” is an effective way to purify tap water into a delicious, high quality source for drinking, cooking, and many other pure water needs.

  • Pricing as of May 2023 runs about $435-480 for a typical installation with standard equipment. Connecting a refrigerator, larger capacity, custom faucets, etc., would be additional. Rental units are also usually available. Current rental rates are $20 per month, with a one-time installation fee to be quoted based on site requirements. Free official estimates are provided for every installation.


Water Softening/Conditioning

  • Water softening treats the whole-house plumbing system to eliminate lime-scale deposits on fixtures and appliances, as well as reduce soap demand for all washing processes. Various other systems are used for specific mineral/contaminant problems.

  • Cost for typical softeners as of May 2023 range from $1200 to 1500 or more. All costs will be confirmed by official free estimates based on all sizing and installation factors.

Ultraviolet Sterilization

  • “UV” systems sterilize potentially harmful organisms found in some water sources. Nothing is added to the water. An annual bulb and pre-filter service is required. Units are available for all flow requirements.

  • Typical whole-house UV systems range from $1000-1500 as of May 2023. Free estimates will be provided for all installation plans.

Contact Shasta Water

We are excited to help you achieve clean water in your home or business. The best way to get started is to fill out our intake form. If you have other questions or concerns, let us know by leaving a message here. We’ll connect soon!